Are you depriving yourself of an opportunity? Then it’s time to write a new story and rehearse a new script! RIGHT NOW!

Are you depriving yourself of an opportunity? Then it’s time to write a new story and rehearse a new script! RIGHT NOW!

Are you depriving yourself of an opportunity? Then it’s time to write a new story and rehearse a new script! RIGHT NOW!Regina Huber
Published on: 30/12/2024

Are you telling yourself a disempowering story about yourself, your life so far or your future?

The 9 Cs of inspirational leaders

The 9 Cs of inspirational leaders

The 9 Cs of inspirational leadersRegina Huber
Published on: 09/10/2024

When I think of inspirational leaders, 9 traits or behaviors come to my mind immediately, and they all happen to start with a C. So, let’s dive into my 9 Cs of inspirational leaders (and yes, we sure could add more C words…).

Story sharing – an underrated art in business & leadership

Story sharing – an underrated art in business & leadership

Story sharing – an underrated art in business & leadershipRegina Huber
Published on: 29/09/2024

Why story sharing is a great time investment.

Your energy is your most precious currency

Your energy is your most precious currency

Your energy is your most precious currencyRegina Huber
Published on: 11/09/2024

Energy is the most valuable resource you have because it flows into everything you do, think and are; and you have control over it, while you don’t have control over many other resources. For example, you could argue that time is your most valuable resource; and you may be right, depending on your perspective.

LeadershipCareer Growth